Back To School

One of the great things that is happening in my life at the moment is that I have gotten involved with a program called Spin Chat.

The SpinChat program aims to raise awareness, promote prevention and educate secondary students about spinal cord injury. The program sees young people with a spinal cord injury (SCI) and in wheelchairs, visit high school students* to talk about life before their injury, the cause of their injury, and life since. A strong focus of the presentation is on risk minimisation and the consequences of careless or high-risk activities such as dangerous driving or diving into shallow waters.


During my journey I have been lucky enough to have met some pretty incredible people that have inspired and motivated me to recover to the best of my abilities. Some of these whom I have created amazing friendships with!


Today, the 18th of September marks the third anniversary of my accident. While this is usually a sad time, as my accident happened while celebrating my best friends birthday, this year I want to celebrate this date as a happy time! People might think I am crazy, what’s happy about your life taking a complete 360 and ending up in a wheelchair you might ask?


For the first time since the accident that left Rhiannon a quadriplegic four years ago, Rhiannon and her family will be returning to Bali on Christmas Eve.

Here she will be revisiting the Jayakarta Resort where her diving accident occurred, as well as the hospital in which she almost lost her life.

Here she will be posting second daily video blogs and an online journal of this experience! Make sure to add this page to your favourites to keep up to date, and feel free to leave comments below!

You can also follow her journey via her Facebook Page STEPBYSTEP
